Is It The Weather? or The People?

There is no doubt that I will miss England the day I leave. But what I’m not sure is what exactly I would miss. Would it be the weather that is so mild  yet so freezing at times? or would it be the unpoluted air I breathed over four years that is so refreshing? Or can it be the well established institution that amazed me with their carefully planned systems and infustructures? Or simply can it be the people, who are so diversed, yet mind their own business and live independently? I do not know. What I’m most certain is that I will miss the freedom that I enjoyed so much over these years. The freedom that let me do whatever I want, and let me think and talk. It is so addictive, which explains why people are fighting for. In fact, it is worth fighting for. I guess it is a challenging times that is to come. And it will define who I am.

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